Earlier this week, preschool students from Central Education Center’s Spanish Enrichment class visited the facilities team at Richfield High School! They had the opportunity to tour the warehouse, ride the freight elevator and watch the garage door go up and down.
This may seem like a strange “field trip” for three and four-year-old preschoolers to take. Yet simple machines are all around us, and our preschool curriculum has a unit that focuses on simple machines. This is a highly engaging unit that creates everyday opportunities for students to interact with simple machines such as ramps, screws and levers. Preschoolers investigate how simple machines help make work easier.
The exploration of simple machines in our early learning program offers a meaningful way for students to use literacy, mathematics, arts, science and technology to investigate and represent their understanding of important concepts related to physical development, science and social studies.
Plus, the freight elevator at RHS with the exposed pulleys and chains was just plain cool to see!